Over The Top Quilting regularly displays an artist’s work at our Studio. Maureen Moore Scheevel is our current featured Artist. We are privileged to have Maureen’s works at the Studio. Here’s Maureen’s story.

I’m an Austin transplant, but have lived here since 1979. Before then, I grew up in Houston, and graduated from Rice University with a degree in American Studies. There I met my husband, Mark and we have two married daughters and three grandchildren, none of whom live in Austin. I worked for 21 years for the Texas Education Agency as an information specialist and policy analyst. Once our oldest started HS (… and marching band and track), I retired from the State and transitioned to a school volunteer and teen chauffeur. That gave me a lot more time to focus on my sewing!

Creative expression has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. I’ve done embroidery and needlepoint, crochet and knitting, and watercolor painting. My Mom taught me to sew when I was 11 and I made a lot of my clothes until I had kids. Then I started sewing for the girls –- fancy stuff like smocking and heirloom sewing, as well as play clothes. Once they tired of Mom-made outfits, I started quilting in earnest.

My first “real quilt” was a Yellow Brick Road pattern and I made a lot of simple quilts early on. One of my fellow HS band volunteers introduced me into a non-guild affiliated bee called the Block Party Quilters and I’ve been sewing with them since about 2004. We meet twice a month (now in Studio 110) and also do a couple of block exchanges a year. In 2011, we designed and pieced Lone Star Fiesta, the donation quilt for the Chisholm Trail Quilt Guild. I’ve been active in that guild, serving in board positions and managing a variety of quilt show responsibilities. I also belong to the Austin Area Quilt Guild.

Just about all of my nephews, nieces, neighbors, and special friends have received a graduation quilt made by me. I’ve also gifted a number of wedding and baby quilts. I haven’t kept track of how many quilts I’ve made to date but I’m sure it’s well over 200! Paper-piecing patterns are often my favorites; appliqué, however, is not one of my strengths!

I discovered Over The Top Quilting Studio when I was soliciting donations for the 2016 CTQG annual retreat and took their introductory class that summer. Since then, I’ve tried a lot of techniques: free hand, pantograph, and Quilt Path. I have used patterns for edge to edge, blocks motifs, and borders, as well as made some customized adjustments. I love the flexibility of being able to quilt my work on my own timeline! Hopefully, I’ll be able to improve my skills with more quilts and more practice!

Here’s a link to a descriptive list of Maureen quilts displayed at Over The Top Quilting Studio.